Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Symbol Methodology

Here I have the Symbol Methodology Project. The idea was to create logos or symbols for a chosen discipline. Here the discipline was "Hydroelectricity", and we were instructed to come up with 3 categories, Resource, Power, and Process, using brainstorming techniques, and then create a symbol for each of those using the "matrix". The "matrix" produces 12 final images from the combination of 9 images. From those 12 images we chose the best 3. The process began with hand drawn images and later finishing in ilustrator

Interaction Exercise (Symbol)

This piece is our intro to Flash project. We used a previous project and interacted with Flash to create an exercise. This is an interactive movie, so it requires you to press two buttons in order to work. Press the symbol at the top to continue the movie. Finally press the word "Final" to replay the movie.