Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weather Report

This is our 3 part weather report. We are to chose 3 of 5 disciplines (location, alphabetical, time, category, and hierarchy) in which to show a 3-day weekend forecast for 4 cities. We had to keep all four of the city's information on the screen at the same time and transition into 3 of the chosen disciplines. After Effects movie, Photoshop, and Illustrator images.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Taking the images from the critical mass project we were instructed to create a slideshow interface for them. We were tp create 2 separate interfaces to compare and contrast. Photoshop images.

Black Squares Exercise

In this exercise we were to choose three words and demonstrate the meaning of those words through the motion of 4 black squares only. The 3 words here are Playful, Congested, and Tension (in that order). After Effects movie.

Blue Squares Exercise

This was an introduction to After Effects. We were to use 8 features to bring in the squares onto the stage specified by each squares letter.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

The scavenger hunt piece was a very interesting project. We were to make a connection between six images of our choice. Color, line, shape, texture, pattern, positive and negative space were our choices, and we had to make connections of our photos. Digital photos edited in photoshop, and final piece was on an indesign document.



All of these images were created by the addition and subtraction of scanned images much like the critical mass project. This project came first. This project helped hone in on photoshop skills. Final piece was done on an indesign document.

Type Specimen

Type Specimen

The final project of my early design career. The type specimen book is a showcase of a specified font, in this case myriad pro. This project was done in illustrator and indesign.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kitchen of Meaning

This project was my personal favorite. We were given a word, in this case vernacular. We were to study, define, and research the word in its entirety. We were to interpret our word on a poster. Using photoshop and illustrator, I chose to create an 80's inspired movie poster.

Critical Mass

These were done on 4x6 postcards. These pieces were created by adding and subtracting scanned images and edited in photoshop. We had to chose one of the 7 deadly sins and create 4 postcards interpreting that sin. This sin was Lust.

Design Culture Now

This is my Design Culture Now poster. This was my second assignment as a graphic designer. This was a very fun and time consuming project for me. We were given the parameters of information and we were to construct them on a poster based on our creativity.


My first assignment as a graphic designer. We were instructed to create our very own typeface using squares and a grid only. The process started by hand and ended with the final piece in illustrator.

Cognitive Map

My final part in my map project. This map shows what I am thinking when I wake up and along my walk to class. I chose to do a flash piece in order to display my thoughts, and because of that the piece requires interaction. There is a start button, a menu with a number of categories, and a restart button. The brown arrow on the menu of categories takes you to the restart button.

Perceptual Map

This was part 2 in our 3 part map project. Here is what I hear, taste, touch, smell, and see on my way from my dorm the minute I wake up to my class. Final piece done in illustrator.

Artifact Map

This is part 1 of our 3 part map project done in Graphic Design I. We were instructed to construct our daily routine from either work to school, home to school, school to work, etc. I chose from my dorm to my graphic design class.Final piece was done in illustrator.